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Road to Recovery
November 14, 15, 22

Since 2015, Blue Planet has hosted our Student Energy Summit that educates and motivates students to find clean energy solutions to issues within their own communities.  Over the last five years, our conference has generated an average of 220 attendees, partnered with numerous community experts, and inspired nearly 200 unique clean energy solutions pitched by our student attendees.

This year, given the unique circumstances COVID-19 has brought upon us, Blue Planet made the decision to host our annual Summit through a hybrid-virtual format!  Students will have the option to meet in their “energy-pods” (aka school teams) or work together remotely. This year’s topic is centered around working together towards a clean energy future: Road to Recovery.  It is a topic that we as an organization felt was timely based on many of the injustices and inequities that have come to light in this year alone, and one that our student participants were interested in pursuing.

Registration for the 2020 Student Energy Summit is now open!


*Registration Deadline is Oct 30th*

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Road to Recovery
November 14, 15, 22

Since 2015, Blue Planet has hosted our Student Energy Summit that educates and motivates students to find clean energy solutions to issues within their own communities.  Over the last five years, our conference has generated an average of 220 attendees, partnered with numerous community experts, and inspired nearly 200 unique clean energy solutions pitched by our student attendees.

This year, given the unique circumstances COVID-19 has brought upon us, Blue Planet made the decision to host our annual Summit through a hybrid-virtual format!  Students will have the option to meet in their “energy-pods” (aka school teams) or work together remotely. This year’s topic is centered around working together towards a clean energy future: Road to Recovery.  It is a topic that we as an organization felt was timely based on many of the injustices and inequities that have come to light in this year alone, and one that our student participants were interested in pursuing.

Registration for the 2020 Student Energy Summit is now open!


*Registration Deadline is Oct 30th*

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Road to Recovery
November 14, 15, 22

Since 2015, Blue Planet has hosted our Student Energy Summit that educates and motivates students to find clean energy solutions to issues within their own communities.  Over the last five years, our conference has generated an average of 220 attendees, partnered with numerous community experts, and inspired nearly 200 unique clean energy solutions pitched by our student attendees.

This year, given the unique circumstances COVID-19 has brought upon us, Blue Planet made the decision to host our annual Summit through a hybrid-virtual format!  Students will have the option to meet in their “energy-pods” (aka school teams) or work together remotely. This year’s topic is centered around working together towards a clean energy future: Road to Recovery.  It is a topic that we as an organization felt was timely based on many of the injustices and inequities that have come to light in this year alone, and one that our student participants were interested in pursuing.

Registration for the 2020 Student Energy Summit is now open!


*Registration Deadline is Oct 30th*

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