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From schools to healthcare institutions, to small and medium sized businesses, ransomware attacks have skyrocketed during the pandemic. As more of our daily work and life move online, everyone is a potential target.
CyberHawaii and the Cyber Readiness Institute will be hosting a conversation with a panel of experts focused on:
  • the latest intelligence on recent ransomware attacks
  • how to prepare for, respond, and recover from an attack
  • using a ransomware decision tree to help you if you are attacked
  • understanding cyber insurance — how to reduce your risk and know what is and isn’t covered
Please Join Us For:
Ransomware: What You Can Do!
Presented by CyberHawaii & the Cyber Readiness Institute
Featuring Panelists:
  • Sandy Ferreira, Vice President, Atlas Insurance
  • Alan Ito, Hawaii Pacific Health
  • Lisa Diercks, FBI Honolulu Cyber Squad
Friday March 26, 2021
10am – 11am HST
Register on Zoom: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/8416155741887/WN_EzgZjLT4QyOBBEIkdxVC2A

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