Affordable Housing in Hawaii
October 27, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm HST
| $5Join our distinguished panel of representatives from all four counties to discuss the plans and goals each county has for affordable housing, as well as the biggest challenges they face. The discussion will be moderated by HEA Director Ben Treviño, with Q&A to follow.
Director, Department of Community Services
Mr. Anton Krucky is the Director of the Department of Community Services for the City and County of Honolulu. Mr. Krucky was formerly the Executive Director of the City and County of Honolulu’s Office of Housing and has served as the General Manager of IBM Pacific and as the President and CEO of Tissue Genesis, Inc. Mr. Krucky has also consulted in Leadership Management and Strategic Planning.
Mr. Krucky’s father was in the U.S. Navy and was in the battle of Pearl Harbor on the USS Preble. Mr. Krucky’s mother is Hawaiian and was a nurse at Queens. Mr. Krucky is a graduate of the University of Maryland with a degree in Criminology and enjoys fly fishing, deep sea fishing, basketball and running. He believes that “Success is helping someone find their success.”
SUSAN KUNZ | Hawaii Island
Housing Administrator, Office of Housing & Community Development
Ms. Susan Kunz is the Housing Administrator for the County of Hawai`i Office of Housing and Community Development. Prior to her return to the County of Hawai`i Office of Housing and Community Development, Ms. Kunz served as the Executive Director for Big Island Housing Foundation, where she managed six senior and multi-family affordable housing properties. Ms. Kunz has previously served as the Housing Administrator, Assistant Housing Administrator, Grants Management Division Manager and Housing Specialist for the County of Hawai`i Office of Housing and Community Development and as an Employment Service Specialist for the State of Hawai`i Department of Labor and Industrial Relations and comes with over 21 years of experience in the public and nonprofit sectors. Ms. Kunz is a graduate of the University of Puget Sound with a B.A. in Business Administration.
Ms. Kunz is a Certified Occupancy Specialist, Certified Tax Credit Specialist and currently holds a real estate license. Ms. Kunz is also a Hawai`i Island representative for the Board of Directors of the Hawai`i Public Housing Authority.
Director, Kaua’i County Housing Agency
Mr. Adam Roversi is the Director of the Kaua`i County Housing Agency. Mr. Roversi previously served as Deputy County Attorney for the Kaua`i County Attorney’s Office. He was a Lecturer-in-Law for the University of Hawai`i William S. Richardson School of Law and held a number of judicial clerkships, including serving as law clerk to Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald of the State of Hawaii Supreme Court. Mr. Roversi is a past President of the Kaua`i Bar Association, Chair of Hoike Kaua`i Community Television, a governing board member of Namahana Charter School, and previously served as Vice Chair of the Natural Resources Section of the Hawai`i State Bar Association. He is a member of the Hanalei Hawaiian Civic Club, the Hanalei Hawaiian Civic Canoe Club, the Hawaiian Sailing Canoe Association, and is PADI Advanced Dive Certified.
Mr. Roversi graduated from Reed College with a B.A. in American Studies and holds a J.D. from the William S. Richardson School of Law, at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Director, Department of Housing & Human Concerns
Ms. Lori Tsuhako was born and raised on Maui. She has spent much of her career as a professional social worker in the fields of child welfare, criminal justice, and substance abuse education and prevention, and homelessness. Ms. Tsuhako was first appointed Director of the Maui County Department of Housing and Human Concerns by former Mayor Charmaine Tavares in 2009, and again by Mayor Michael Victorino in 2019. Between her terms at the County, she was the Administrator of the State’s Homeless Programs Office and also worked in the field of Aging. Ms. Tsuhako is an experienced facilitator and has worked collaboratively with community partners from many sectors. She values the implementation of evidence based programs and works to improve the social safety net for our community.
BEN TREVINO | HEA Board Director
Senior Program Director, Network Code for America
Mr. Ben Treviño is an experienced executive, entrepreneur and technologist, and is a committed advocate for the public sector and civic engagement. Currently Senior Program Director, Network, for Code for America, Mr. Treviño previously served as the President and CEO for the Hawaii Institute for Public Affairs (HIPA) and as the Sustainability Planner with Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART). Mr. Treviño was the founding President and Chief Operating Officer of Bikeshare Hawaii, which launched the Biki bikeshare system in Honolulu in 2017. Prior to that, Mr. Treviño was with the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization (UHERO) where he was the architect of the UHERO Dashboard Project, and was a co-founder of Interisland Terminal, a Honolulu-based, non-profit organization with projects including community spaces, the Kaka`ako Agora, and R&D Bookstore and Cafe.
Mr. Treviño earned a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Computer Science from Stanford University and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from the Shidler School of Business at University of Hawaii at Manoa. He is committed to deepening his understanding of and drawing attention to indigenous knowledge systems as solutions to Hawaii’s most difficult challenges.