AI for the Classroom and the Lifelong Learner
April 29, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 am HST
Join Gabriel Yanagihara and AI Hawaii for an exciting talk about AI in the Classroom
Gabriel is a dedicated educator from Maui with deep expertise in artificial intelligence, computer science, creative media, and video game design. He currently enriches students at Iolani School with courses on AI, game design, 3D printing, and fabrication, while also leading the school’s Esports program. His commitment extends beyond teaching, as he actively participates in Professional Development and Community Outreach, offering keynotes, teacher training, and workshops. His work aims to integrate cutting-edge technology into educational and professional settings, reflecting a deep understanding of the ethical, business, and academic implications of AI.
**Sponsor:** Thank you to the Hub Coworking Hawaii and Hawaii Center for AI for sponsoring the venue. Also thanks to Hawaii Slack for food sponsorship. For more details and feedback about the meetup group, please join #ai-hawaii on Hawaii Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/hawaii/shared_invite/zt-2ejyavuue-32GA7uFZKLSjC2Cwz5gbKw. Mahalo to Hawaii slack for sponsoring the event.
**Speaker:** https://www.gabrielyanagihara.com/
**Location:** The Hub Coworking Hawaii 1050 Queen St at 6pm