Entrepreneurship Live with Assaf Karmon
February 18, 2022 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm HST
Chat with Assaf Karmon, CEO and Co-Founder of TurnoverBNB
This event is free and open to UH students, faculty, staff, alumni, and members of the general public.
TurnoverBnB is a platform that automates vacation rental logistics and a marketplace that connects property managers with service providers.
TurnoverBnB was a pivot from a previous idea we had (developed during Prof Bystrom’s entrepreneurial finance class in the Shidler MBA program ), building a micro cleaning service; a 1 hour daily tidy sessions for busy families. That idea failed but we discovered the need for vacation rental cleaning and from that the software platform and the markteplace. We developed the idea for the PACE BPC of 2017 and started development shortly after.
This speaker series is generously sponsored by First Insurance Company of Hawaii.