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BR41N.IO is a brainstorming and collaborative marathon designed to be a learning experience for  developers, technologists, engineers, students, artists, and scientists who cram and build brain-computer interface (BCI) applications together in teams.

Who can participate?

Anyone can participate who has interests in BMI, BCI, robotics, AR, VR, machine learning, computing, sensors, human-machine interface systems, control, signal processing, big data, haptics, rehabilitation, and similar areas. Even better: it is for FREE.

Participants do not have to be a BMI expert to participate on a team! Interdisciplinary teams with a combination of BMI and non-BMI skills are often successful in building solutions and producing working prototypes.

I am a Unicorn Hybrid Black owner. How can I participate?

Do you have a Unicorn Hybrid Black at home or at your University/Institution? Great! Let’s put together a team of students and participate with your own Unicorn Hybrid Black at the virtual BR41N.IO Hackathon. Our programming projects are most suitable for you.

Can I submit a different project?

Professional teams can also participate to develop applications during the BR41N.IO Designers’ Hackathon to demonstrate full potential of some of the sponsored hardware/software.

If you are looking for additional skills from other team members, your project will be included among the BR41N.IO projects below for application. Submit your project to contact@br41n.io.

What’s in there for me?

Be creative, think outside the box. The BR41N.IO Designers’ Hackathon is fun and gets you to network and collaborate with other Geeks. The best BR41N.IO projects will be awarded with cash prizes:

Sign up for a BR41N.IO project!

There are several predefined projects which you can choose to work on. Below, the projects are described in detail including hard- and software requirements.

The Unicorn Hybrid Black and the Unicorn Suite should be used to join a Programming Project. But, you can use your own hardware and software for the BR41N.IO hackathon. In case you don’t have a BCI Headset, we recommend to join an Offline Data Analysis Project.

Meet your team virtually!

We will connect you with the team members of your project. Create your own virtual meeting space using Skype, Google Hangouts, Zoom, etc. to start working on your ideas.

Stay connected with us via Slack!

While you work on your groundbreaking new BCI applications, we are here to answer all the questions that might come up and support you wherever we can.

Present your projects virtually and win!

You will be invited to present your results virtually via Zoom. Prepare yourself to explain what you did, what the results are and to show a demonstration (live or with a video) to the international audience and jury.


Brain-computer interfaces are realized by 4 different principles:

slow waves

steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEP)

motor imagery (MI)

evoked potentials (EP)

In the BR41N.IO Hackathon Series, motor imagery and EP based systems are mostly used to control the applications:

In the case of the motor imagery application, participants have to imagine e.g. left or right hand movement to produce an event-related desynchronization over the sensorimotor cortex. This is basically an amplitude change of the alpha and beta regions of the EEG.

In the case of EPs, the BCI system is showing different flashing icons and the user has to attend to the icon he wants to select. When the icon flashes on the computer screen, than a P300 wave is produced in the brain and the BCI system is able to detect it.

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