Creative Projects in Photography: From Concept to Realization
October 20, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm HST
Wednesday evenings, 6-9 pm, October 13 – December 15 + January 5, 2022 (10 weeks)
Fee: $275
Instructor: David Ulrich

Explore the creative process through creating a body of work or visual narrative on a theme. Portfolios and cohesive sets of images—not single photographs—are the currency of the contemporary photography industry, including publications, galleries, exhibitions, and many other kinds of venues.
A project that takes place over time can encourage many things. It can be an enriching learning experience that kindles a deep engagement with the subject through an in-depth exploration. Working on projects builds a momentum, lights a creative fire that awakens your mind, and often results in milestone images. Further, projects provide a useful structure for your work and get you out the door, as well as create opportunities for growth-producing challenges that put your back against the wall.
Explore the entire workflow from choosing a project, to the initial sketching of ideas with a camera, to creating images that best express your concepts or interests, to writing a brief introduction or artists statement, and grappling with editing, sequencing, and presentation modalities. Final class meeting in January allows three weeks from previous class to complete or make progress on your project.
Open to photographers of all levels and all types of photographs: fine art, documentary, family archives, explorations of identity, editorial images aligned with writing, and historical/cultural explorations.
Class takes place on Zoom software. Please submit 6-8 jpg images, representative of your work, for the first class, and start thinking about a relevant theme or project that suits your interests. Instructor will send Zoom link and instructions for submitting images through Dropbox or Google Drive prior to the first class.
David Ulrich is a core faculty member and creative director for Pacific New Media. He is an active photographer and writer whose work has been published in numerous books and journals. Ulrich`s photographs have been exhibited internationally in over 75 exhibitions. He is the author of The Widening Stream: the Seven Stages of Creativity and Zen Camera: Creative Awakening with a Daily Practice in Photography. His new book, The Mindful Photographer: Awake in the World with a Camera, will be published by Rocky Nook press in February 2022. www.creativeguide.com