Deliver Better, Faster Outcomes – AI for Call Center
September 10, 2020 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm HST
Increased call volume, high number of repeat questions and focus on customer service drove CPB to evaluate different options to make their help desk and call center operations more effective and efficient. The pandemic and dispersed workforce increased the urgency for an immediate cloud-based solution.
Learn how Central Pacific Bank went to the cloud with Amazon Connect and how they rolled out three remote help desks in the past few months. Listen to Adrienne Chee, Division Head and SVP of Information Technology at CBP, share the results of the digital transformation, findings and roadmap going forward and how CBP has accelerated innovation during the pandemic due to changing needs.
- 2:00 – Welcome and Introductions
- 2:05 – Fireside Chat: Solution overview, results and roadmap (Adrienne Chee and Chris Jones)
- 2:35 – Other use cases with Amazon Connect (Scott Fujieda, DataHouse)
- 2:45 – Q&A
- 3:00 – Deep dive of solution, with demo (Adrienne Chee and Chris Jones)
In the TRUE spirit of collaboration, CPB will be making the solution available so other organizations may leverage their solution. TRUE hopes this will help other organizations adopt technologies and innovation, thereby improving productivity and efficiencies to rise the tide in Hawaii.
The TRUE Innovation series features technology and innovation solutions to common business problems. See how other companies are solving their business challenges and leverage their efforts to accelerate your implementations by joining this live, complimentary session over Zoom. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions. This series is brought to you by TRUE, Hawaii Technology Development Corporation (HTDC) and Entrepreneurs Sandbox.
Please register by Wednesday, September 9 at 5pm. After registration closes, we will send a Zoom link to all registered participants. Please note that this webinar is limited to 100 attendees. If you are unable to register, please email info@sandboxhawaii.org to be added to the waitlist.
The TRUE is an initiative of the Hawaii Executive Collaborative, supporting the CHANGE Framework and Movement. Driven by a partnership between the private, public sectors and the State of Hawaii, TRUE aims to create tech-enabled jobs by accelerating the adoption of technology. TRUE accomplishes this through collaboration and sharing of solutions to common business challenges, in turn creating more resilient companies and a thriving Hawaii. www.hec.org/true
Hawaii Technology Development Corporation (HTDC) is a state agency under the State of Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. Our mission is to diversify Hawaii’s economy by developing a flourishing technology industry that provides quality, high-paying jobs for Hawaii residents. www.htdc.org
The Entrepreneurs Sandbox is a co-working facility in Kaka’ako, owned by HTDC and managed by BoxJelly. As the “front door to innovation”, our mission is to bring together change agents in Hawaii to enable transformation for a more dynamic Hawaii through technology and entrepreneurship. www.sandboxhawaii.org