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What: **Hawai’i VR Meetup 2.0 (Hybrid Event)**
When: **Thur, April 20th at 5:30-7:00pm**
Where: **HPU Esports Arena & via Zoom**

**1 Aloha Tower Dr, STE 1102**
**Honolulu, HI 96813**

Zoom link: **https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89582726101?pwd=Njhab1QvaVUyUkpNbTFabE15ZU5udz09**
Passcode: **HIVR**

Join us in-person or via Zoom! This meetup will be the 1st for the group since 2019. It’ll mainly consist of introductions, talk story, and a quick brainstorm of future events.

If you’re joining in-person and would like to pitch in for some food/drinks, shoot me a DM! Parking is $2 with validation. Hopefully we can set up a recurring hybrid meetup that works for active members.

Lastly, the arena has a PSVR2 that we can demo. See you there!

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