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**Guest Speaker**: [Dave Harding](https://dtrt.org/)

* Co-author of the Bitcoin Optech weekly [newsletter](https://bitcoinops.org/en/newsletters/) (2018-23), [Mastering Bitcoin, 3E](https://learning.oreilly.com/library/view/mastering-bitcoin-3rd/9781098150082/) (2023), 21.co Bitcoin Computer [tutorials](https://web.archive.org/web/20170606062213/https:/21.co/learn/) (2015-17), and Bitcoin.org [developer documentation](https://btcinformation.org/en/developer-documentation) (2014-15)
* [Brink.dev](https://brink.dev/) grant committee member (2022-23) and former board member (2020-22)

**Topic**: What’s new in Bitcoin Core 26 and why it’s important

The BitDevs Socratic Seminar series is a monthly event where we discuss salient industry news, the latest advancements in Bitcoin development, and how it all ties into financial freedom. **All are welcome to join the conversation, regardless of technical expertise!**

Join us on **Monday, December 18, 2023 at [Entrepreneurs Sandbox](https://sandboxhawaii.org/) ([643 Ilalo St](https://goo.gl/maps/3Zj38htV13iUn4dcA)) in the Purple Box room at 5:30pm.**

When you arrive, someone will be waiting to let you into the building if the door is locked. Street parking is usually available, and there is also a dedicated paid parking lot onsite ($1/hour).

We will be discussing relevant technical updates and non-technical current events from the last month. **This month’s topic list and more event details will be available soon on our website:**

* [https://www.hnlbtc.group/bit-devs/events/socratic-seminar-29](https://www.hnlbtc.group/bit-devs/events/socratic-seminar-29/)

This event is intended to facilitate discussion about the latest advancements in Bitcoin-adjacent development and relevant news/content. **It is NOT a discussion about price, trading, or any altcoins.**

After the meetup, some of us will head over to [Honolulu Beerworks](https://www.honolulubeerworks.com/).

The venue was provided by our fantastic sponsors:

* [Hawaii Technology Development Corporation](https://www.htdc.org/about/)
* [Entrepreneurs Sandbox](https://sandboxhawaii.org/)
* [Hub Coworking Hawaii](https://hubcoworkinghi.com/)

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