Infragard Hawaii DHS and CISA Update
February 12, 2020 @ 11:30 am - 1:30 pm HST
Overview and Purpose of DHS CISA
Interaction between DHS and InfraGard
DHS CISA resources to Public Private Services available to Hawaii Organization
Steps, forms, websites available to engage DHS services
DHS CISA Table Top (TTX) Exercise Overview
Overview of the DHS Table Top Exercise potentially available to IHMA
A description of the HSEEP toolkit., HSEEP templates, the exercise cycle diagram
(i.e. SitMan, Play books, PowerPoint, AAR, etc.).
Working with Hawaii stakeholder and build a series of TTX for Hawaii based on the objectives
CISA CyberStorm VIII 2022
Work with the DHS CISA CyberStorm Team to determine if Hawaii can train up a cyber team of public private members to work with other DHS/CISA cyber squads in the next 24 months or Spring 2022.
James Cruz
Protective Security Advisor
U.S Department of Homeland Security
Giovanni Williams CISSP
Cybersecurity Advisor Region IX: HI, GU, CNMI, AS
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Melynda R. Moran
Regional Training & Exercise Coordinator, Region IX
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Monica Balzano
Section Chief, Federal & SLTT Exercises
National Cyber Exercise and Planning Program
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Russ Seeney
InfraGard Hawaii Members Alliance
HIDTA Conference Room
500 Ala Moana Blvd, Honolulu, HI 96813
Tower 5, Suite 200 in Restaurant Row
(directly across from the Federal Building)
Restaurant Row parking validation will be provided, however, a fee will still be charged by parking structure. Alternate parking is also available on the street or in nearby municipal structures.
There will be a $5 donation requested to offset costs.