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Undergraduate students from MIT’s Traveling Research Environmental eXperience (TREX) will present the results of two research projects from their time on Hawaii.

The first project addresses the lingering effects of the 2018 volcanic eruptions in the areas in and around Leilani Estates. Work by past classes measured SO2 emissions associated with Kilauea and assessed how these emissions propagated around the island. The 2020 class is studying how ongoing emissions compare to emissions measured during the active eruption, and background levels in areas of the island not directly affected by the recent volcanic activity.

The second project studies the ecological context of Rapid Ohia Death, a now-widespread fungal disease affecting Hawaii’s native Ohia trees. The students are assessing the health of plants growing in areas affected by ROD with those in unperturbed communities.

This year’s trip is led by Dave Des Marais, a plant ecologist, and also instructed by atmospheric chemist Jesse Kroll from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT.

After the presentation, we will have pupus, drinks, and conversation. We are informal and it is potluck, so please bring a pupu and non-alcoholic beverage to share. Reusable plates and cups are encouraged, as is taking home your own trash.


5:00-5:15 p.m. Gather and Networking
5:15-6:00 p.m. Presentation and Q&A
6:00-7:30 p.m. more networking, pupus

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