Lacy Veach Day of Discovery
October 29, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 1:00 pm HST
“You can never believe the beauty of island Earth until you see it in its entirety from space… the best place to think about the fate of our planet is right here in the islands.”—Charles Lacy Veach, Astronaut
This is the celebration and special day honoring the life and legacy of Charles Lacy Veach, who grew up in Honolulu with an interest in science, had a distinguished career in the United States Air Force, and went on to fly two Space Shuttle missions.
Initiated in 2002 by Art and Rene Kimura, directors of Future Flight Hawai‘i, The Lacy Veach Day of Discovery showcases wonderful, hands-on activities in workshops and demonstrations. This event is typically held in October. Astronaut Lacy Veach serves to remind us all that the dreams of today can be forged into exploration and discoveries of tomorrow.
An event for registered students in grades 3-12 with accompanying adult & teachers to participate in more than 20 hands-on interactive STEM workshops.
Date: Saturday, October 29, 2022
Location: Kamehameha Schools, Kapālama
Parking at Kekūhaupiʻo Gym and shuttle rides offered to Princess Ruth Ke‘elikōlani Performing Arts Center
Keynote Speaker:
Nainoa Thompson, President, Polynesian Voyaging Society
Closing Assembly:
STEM Magic Show & STEM demonstration with take-home STEM tool