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Join us for an exciting evening featuring two talks on cutting-edge Python technologies!

Our first speaker, Peter Kraft, will introduce DBOS Transact, a new Python library for ultra-lightweight durable execution. He’ll explain what durable execution is, walk through a use case with code, and reveal how the library works under the hood.

Following that, Kyle Flores will demonstrate how to use GPUs for general computing with PyTorch. Learn how to convert numpy programs to PyTorch and get broad recommendations on achieving good GPU performance. This talk is perfect for numpy users looking to leverage GPU power without diving into ML or AI.

We’ll start promptly at 6pm; doors may lock so please arrive early if possible. If you’d like to give a lightning talk, submit your talk here: [https://forms.gle/4HGD9JBEqGRHUstt7](https://forms.gle/4HGD9JBEqGRHUstt7)


**Peter Kraft**
Peter recently completed his PhD at Stanford, focusing on databases and systems. He’s now co-founding DBOS, Inc. to commercialize his research on the DBMS-oriented Operating System (DBOS) project. Peter’s work spans durable execution, data-parallel computing, and machine learning systems.

**Kyle Flores**
Kyle is a software engineer with experience from a handful of small tech companies in both Honolulu and Boston. He currently works on bringing demanding scientific image processing algorithms to low power embedded devices. Outside of his day job, he enjoys applying the same signal processing techniques to music and long exposure photography, as well as mentoring Iolani’s FIRST Robotics team.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM HST
Entrepreneurs Sandbox 643 Ilalo St. Honolulu, HI

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