Objective by the Sea
March 11, 2020 - March 13, 2020
Objective by the Sea: The Mac Security Conference v3.0
Objective by the Sea, is the world’s only macOS security conference, which brings together the worlds top macOS security researchers and passionate mac users in stunning tropical locations.
- Trainings: March 11th
- Presentations: March 12th – 13th
Thinking about attending “Objective by the Sea” version 3.0? We would be beyond stoked if you joined us! Why wouldn’t you?
- The conference is in Hawaii, ’nuff said!
- The speakers are well-respected experts in the field of macOS security.
- The talks are all highly relevant, deeply technical, and Mac-centric.
Consistently, OBTS attracts world-class speakers who present cutting-edge macOS & iOS security research topics.
OBTS brings together passionate security researchers, students, and mac users. Moreover to foster the community and increase accessibility, the conference doesn’t charge a conference fee for students, local attendees, nor supporters (patrons) of Objective-See.
Each year, the conference supports a local charity by thru merchandise sales. Of such sales, 100% of sales (not just profits) are donated to the charity. Moreover Objective-See matches 100% of this money earned, meaning the charity receives 2x!