Nerd Night
May 3, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm HST
Aloha Nerds of Hawaii! We are thrilled to have another in person nerd nite this upcoming Tuesday May 3rd at Anna O’Briens. Same as last month, we will have a zoom option, so if you can’t make it in person use this link:
Meeting ID: 912 6811 0599
Passcode: besquare
For the in person event, doors open at 7PM, and we will start live streaming shortly before the event starts at 7:30PM. So, whether you are in person or at home, be there and be square!
Speaker 1: Marisa McDonald
Talk Title: Optical Illusions: Can You Trust Your Own Eyes?
Description: A few years back, a dress took the internet by storm. What color was it? The debate raged and the collective population was baffled. Color is color, and we should all see things the same-right? Turns out, that is not always the case. Join me in exploring how our brain plays tricks on us, and decide for yourself if you can trust your own eyes.
Speaker 2: Mitchell Kirsh
Talk Title: “The Theory of Nothing: Why nothing is always something”
Description: Come along as we will take a journey into nothingness and bend our brains around nothing. Nothing can be something but something can never be nothing.
Speaker 3: Lev Gerstle
Talk Title: A Golem, Golem, Gollum, and The Golem
Description: The story of the golem is a popular Jewish folktale about a mighty being who protects Jews from persecution. The golem tale has been explored in cinema, numerous written works, and even in modern-day pop culture. This talk will give a short history of the tale of the golem through its original Jewish lense as well as its more modern interpretations.
Be there and Be Square!