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Aloha Nerds!

 It is time for your favorite day of the month-Nerd Nite! Our next event is Tuesday, March 2nd at 6PM HST! This month is extra special, as it is a takeover for the Bishop Museum! We will have three fantastic talks, as usual and we can’t wait to see you there. If you are getting this email, you have signed up for an event either this month or in the past (but please let us know if you want to be taken off the list).
To join, follow this zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 3695 4703
Passcode: besquare

Here are our speakers for the month!
Speaker 1: Ethan Estess
Ocean Art, Science, and Stewardship

Speaker 2:  Kapalikū Maile
(Re)Generations: Challenging Racism, Connecting ʻOhana

Speaker 3: Dr. Chandra Earl
Digitization, Databases and Diversity: A Snail Story

Do you have an awesome Nerd Nite idea? Let us know here so we can get you on the schedule: https://forms.gle/MDj4wEcGNoXiiEZm6
We are looking forward to seeing you all! Be there and be Square!

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