Photography: Process and Practice
July 7, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm HST
Wednesday evenings, 6-9 pm, July 7 – September 8 (10 weeks)
Fee: $275
Instructor: David Ulrich

Refining your workflow, process, and practice holds one of the keys to making successful photographs and communicating effectively through your images. Deepen your thought and discover your best practices. Many master photographers have written about the medium of photography, highlighting elements of their own process and serving to assist other photographers and creative people. Learn to find your own very unique and personal approach through experimenting with your own process and examining the workflow of others.
What helps? What serves to open your mind and stimulate your creativity? Which of the many tools available are most compatible with your creative aims? Through selected readings from historic and contemporary photographers, assignments, critique, and dynamic class discussion, learn to refine and expand your vision and your creative possibilities.
Open to beginning and advanced photographers alike. All styles of imagery and camera types are welcome, including cell phone camera users.
Class tales place on Zoom software. Please submit 6-8 jpg images, representative of your work, to the first class. Instructor will send Zoom link and instructions for submitting images through Dropbox or Google Drive prior to the first class.
David Ulrich is a core faculty member and creative director for Pacific New Media. He is an active photographer and writer whose work has been published in numerous books and journals. Ulrich`s photographs have been exhibited internationally in over 75 exhibitions. He is the author of The Widening Stream: the Seven Stages of Creativity and Zen Camera: Creative Awakening with a Daily Practice in Photography. His new book, The Mindful Photographer: Awake in the World with a Camera, will be published by Rocky Nook press in Spring 2022. www.creativeguide.com