Resume Anatomy: The Do’s and Don’t’s of Resume Writing
October 20, 2020 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am HST
Join Kathleen Lee, Founder of Kathleen Lee Consulting, in this complimentary webinar to take a deep-dive into resume writing. Learn what makes an outstanding resume and how to leverage it to represent yourself and your achievements. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions during the session.
Please register by Monday, October 19th at 5pm. After registration closes, we will send a Zoom link to all registered participants. Please note that this webinar is limited to 100 attendees. If you are unable to register, please contact Sarah at info@sandboxhawaii.org to be added to the waitlist.
Hawaii Technology Development Corporation (HTDC) is a state agency under the State of Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. Our mission is to diversify Hawaii’s economy by developing a flourishing technology industry that provides quality, high-paying jobs for Hawaii residents. www.htdc.org
The Entrepreneurs Sandbox is a co-working facility in Kaka’ako, owned by HTDC and managed by BoxJelly. As the “front door to innovation”, our mission is to bring together change agents in Hawaii to enable transformation for a more dynamic Hawaii through technology and entrepreneurship. www.sandboxhawaii.org