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**Honolulu Tech Week is happening Sept. 16 – 22nd!**
**For all events check out: [https://lu.ma/honolulutechweek](https://lu.ma/honolulutechweek)**

**Join our: Women in Tech – Talk Story & Co-Working Day!**

Attention all women in tech—join us for a dynamic day of connection, conversation, and collaboration! Connect with like-minded professionals, share your career journey, and dive into open discussions about what we need to thrive. Enjoy great food, an engaging talk story session, and a vibrant atmosphere where we can work together, expand our knowledge, and strengthen our community.

*Note: This event will be cross-posted by [Honolulu Tech Week](https://www.honolulutechweek.com/), [Hawai’i Women in Tech](www.hawaiiwomenintech.org) and [Waiwai Collective](https://waiwaicollective.com/). Official registration and payment will be made through Waiwai Collective’s Eventbrite* ***[registration ](https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/honolulu-tech-week-women-in-tech-talk-story-co-working-day-tickets-1006559294947?aff=oddtdtcreator)***

**Hosted by: Waiwai Collective & Hawai’i Women in Tech**
**Date:** Thurs, Sept. 19, 2024 9am- 2pm
**Location:** Ka Waiwai ma Mōʻiliʻili, 1110 University Ave, Honolulu, HI 96826


* **Morning:**
* Begin the day with coffee/tea and light co-working alongside fellow women in tech.
* Experience the welcoming and collaborative atmosphere of Waiwai Collective.
* Come together for a “Talk Story” session. Engage in an open discussion about the unique challenges and opportunities for women in the tech industry in Hawai’i.
* **Afternoon:**
* A light lunch will be provided as we continue working in the Wai Wai space, surrounded by a community of like-minded women.
* This is a chance to foster connections, share experiences, and support each other’s professional growth.

**About Hawai’i Women in Tech:**
Hawai’i Women in Tech is a vibrant community dedicated to empowering women in tech careers. Our vision is to see more women in Hawai’i enter and thrive in the tech industry through peer-to-peer support and resources tailored to their needs. Whether you’re a student, engineer, STEM teacher, project manager, programmer, or designer, our events are designed to meet the diverse needs of our community.

**About Waiwai Collective:**
Waiwai Collective is a mission and values-driven community and venue. It provides work and event space, educational and cultural programming, entertainment, and a collaborative network of members committed to positive change for Hawai’i and beyond.

**WAIWAI Collective Tickets: $35**
Includes Coffee, Light Lunch and Co-Working Day Pass.
[ [Registration Link](https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/honolulu-tech-week-women-in-tech-talk-story-co-working-day-tickets-1006559294947?aff=oddtdtcreator) ]

**Join Our Community:**
Be part of our growing network of 400+ women in tech across Hawai’i. Membership is about supporting each other, regardless of your career stage or job title.

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