Supporting Hawaii’s New Educators
February 20, 2021 @ 8:00 am - 2:30 pm HST
A virtual gathering for educators by educators
We are all new educators this year, working tirelessly to teach and support our keiki as we navigate a variety of new learning models during the coronavirus pandemic.
In the face of our many challenges, we know our fellow educators continue to be the best resource for practical, effective advice and support.
The Hawaii State Teachers Association’s SHiNE (Supporting Hawaii’s New Educators) Committee is hosting an educator-led conference to share our best practices and innovations and provide each other with support.
This conference will be held via Zoom on Saturday, Feb. 20, 2021, and is open to all members as both presenters and participants.
We are currently looking for members who are interested in presenting a virtual workshop on a technique, tool, approach, and/or tips that are successful in your classroom or with your students. Areas may include, but are not limited to:
- Project-based learning
- Social and emotional learning
- Teaching and learning with technology
- Cultural and place-based education
- Equity and diversity
- Educator self care