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Level up your brand by learning the keys to starting a business and growing it during our Three Part Shopify Virtual Workshop Series, led by Chris Snyder, senior community manager at Shopify Spaces.

Register now for this FREE workshop series.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30: Building Your Branding

Defining your brand is arguably the most crucial part of starting a business. What is your unique selling proposition? Who is your target audience? Learn how to address these questions for your own business during the opening workshop to our three-part series.

THURSDAY, JULY 8: Art of Storytelling

Think about your favorite brands. Why do you love them? Chances are, these brands resonate with you because they connect with you on an emotional level, and the best way to do that is with great content. When you engage in this workshop, you’ll learn how to convey your unique value proposition and your brand values through effective storytelling.

THURSDAY, JULY 15: Leveraging Reports & Analytics

Many businesses today are “data rich” but “information poor” – data reporting tells us the “what,” while data analysis tells us the “why.” Learn how to make sense of your data and how to leverage this information as you uncover it.

About Chris Snyder:

Chris Snyder is the senior community manager for Shopify Spaces in the US West and New York City and leads their Outreach and Community Partnerships team.

After spending 15 years in both small business and corporate management Chris has owned and operated nearly a dozen small businesses both in the United States and internationally. He has worked with Shopify Los Angeles for the last 3 years using his experiences and background to help others succeed.

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Level up your brand by learning the keys to starting a business and growing it during our Three Part Shopify Virtual Workshop Series, led by Chris Snyder, senior community manager at Shopify Spaces.

Register now for this FREE workshop series.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30: Building Your Branding

Defining your brand is arguably the most crucial part of starting a business. What is your unique selling proposition? Who is your target audience? Learn how to address these questions for your own business during the opening workshop to our three-part series.

THURSDAY, JULY 8: Art of Storytelling

Think about your favorite brands. Why do you love them? Chances are, these brands resonate with you because they connect with you on an emotional level, and the best way to do that is with great content. When you engage in this workshop, you’ll learn how to convey your unique value proposition and your brand values through effective storytelling.

THURSDAY, JULY 15: Leveraging Reports & Analytics

Many businesses today are “data rich” but “information poor” – data reporting tells us the “what,” while data analysis tells us the “why.” Learn how to make sense of your data and how to leverage this information as you uncover it.

About Chris Snyder:

Chris Snyder is the senior community manager for Shopify Spaces in the US West and New York City and leads their Outreach and Community Partnerships team.

After spending 15 years in both small business and corporate management Chris has owned and operated nearly a dozen small businesses both in the United States and internationally. He has worked with Shopify Los Angeles for the last 3 years using his experiences and background to help others succeed.

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Level up your brand by learning the keys to starting a business and growing it during our Three Part Shopify Virtual Workshop Series, led by Chris Snyder, senior community manager at Shopify Spaces.

Register now for this FREE workshop series.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30: Building Your Branding

Defining your brand is arguably the most crucial part of starting a business. What is your unique selling proposition? Who is your target audience? Learn how to address these questions for your own business during the opening workshop to our three-part series.

THURSDAY, JULY 8: Art of Storytelling

Think about your favorite brands. Why do you love them? Chances are, these brands resonate with you because they connect with you on an emotional level, and the best way to do that is with great content. When you engage in this workshop, you’ll learn how to convey your unique value proposition and your brand values through effective storytelling.

THURSDAY, JULY 15: Leveraging Reports & Analytics

Many businesses today are “data rich” but “information poor” – data reporting tells us the “what,” while data analysis tells us the “why.” Learn how to make sense of your data and how to leverage this information as you uncover it.

About Chris Snyder:

Chris Snyder is the senior community manager for Shopify Spaces in the US West and New York City and leads their Outreach and Community Partnerships team.

After spending 15 years in both small business and corporate management Chris has owned and operated nearly a dozen small businesses both in the United States and internationally. He has worked with Shopify Los Angeles for the last 3 years using his experiences and background to help others succeed.

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