Sunset Tech Meetup
September 27, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm HST
Formerly “Hawaii Startup Drinks,” this is the most casual of ThriveHI’s monthly events for Hawaii’s tech, startup, and innovation ecosystem. No presentations and no pitches, no dress code, and no pressure. Meet fellow entrepreneurs, founders, and tech workers, or just chill and enjoy the vibe and glorious Waikiki sunset.
Island newcomers and recently relocated remote workers warmly invited!
Cold beverages and light snacks will be provided, but a potluck vibe is welcome—bring something to share! Want to coordinate or have questions, [join the #thrivehi channel on Hawaii Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/hawaii/shared_invite/zt-lvudhfgm-65TFeCxlcNs2wWqHMTUVtg)!
Find us in San Souci State Recreational Park at Queen’s Surf Beach, across the street from Kapiolani Park and just Ewa (west) of the Barefoot Beach Cafe. Extra geeky? Tell your GPS to bring you to [21.268123, -157.822569](https://goo.gl/maps/gcRDcLKhLxx2atoS9).