WetWare Wednesday
February 26, 2020 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm HST
WetWare Wednesday, Hawaii’s monthly networking event for the tech community, is back!
WetWare Wednesday is open to the greater tech community! Whether you are a Software Developer, Engineer, Data Scientist or Digital Marketer, we invite you to join us. Professors and instructors in the field, as well as students studying software development are also welcome.
Registration is free. Light pupus and refreshments will be served.
Please join us Wednesday, February 26th at 6pm for WetWare Wednesday powered by BoxJelly. #WetWareWed
Parking and transportation:
If you will be driving to the Entrepreneurs Sandbox, you can park on the street, or you can park in Lot C next to the Entrepreneurs Sandbox. You may park in the numbered stall and pay the $6 flat rate at the cash box near the entrance on Ilalo Street. As a heads up, this is an unattended lot, so you will need exact change.
Alternatively, you can take a Lyft here and use either of the following codes:
New User: “ESANDBOXHI” for $2 off first 10 rides
Existing User: “ESANDBOX19” for $5 off Lyft XL; seats up to 6
There is also Biki station in front of the Entrepreneur Sandbox on Ilalo Street if you’d like to bike here.
Can’t make it to this WetWare Wednesday? Please plan to join us for the next WetWare Wednesday on Wednesday, March 25th at 6pm. WetWare Wednesday happens on the last Wednesday of every month at 6pm at the Entrepreneurs Sandbox.