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**Please register here:** [https://lu.ma/s4czhgjt](https://lu.ma/s4czhgjt)
Celebrate the festive season and close out the year with AI Hawaii, Code with Aloha, Honolulu Tech Network, and UXHI at our joint holiday party! Expect a night filled with good food, a halo halo bar, fun people, and awesome prize giveaways! 🤙
​📅 **Agenda**

* ​5:00 PM – Doors open
* ​5:15 PM – Welcome messages
* ​5:25 PM – Dinner
* ​6:30 PM – Games
* ​7:30 PM – Door prize giveaways

​🍴 **Menu**

* ​White Rice
* ​Tofu Veggie Stir-Fry
* ​Pulehu Short Ribs
* ​Nori Furikake Crusted Fish
* ​Banana Lumpia
* ​Halo Halo Bar
* ​Bottomless Soft Drinks
* ​1 Alcohol Drink Ticket

​*Menu subject to change
​🚗 **Parking**
​Limited street parking is available. However, the restaurant is within walking distance from Ala Moana Center.

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