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Make AI Usable, Useful & Delightful

At StratMinds, we stand by the conviction that the winners of the AI race will be determined by great UX.

Our mission is to bring together brilliant minds in the fields of AI and UX crafting AI with the utmost care and consideration. Our goal is to develop AI products and solutions that are not only intelligent and highly capable but also exceptionally intuitive, enjoyable, and delightful to use.

As we push the boundaries of what’s possible with AI, we’re laser-focused on thoughtfully designing solutions that blend right into the real world and people’s daily lives—solutions that genuinely benefit humans in meaningful ways.

Who is it for?


Builders, founders, and product leaders actively creating new AI products and solutions, with a deep focus on user empathy.


UX leaders and experts – designers, researchers, engineers – working on AI projects and shaping exceptional AI experiences.


Investors and VC firms at the forefront of AI.

Event Location

Honolulu has emerged as a strategic hub for AI innovation, energized by recent AI events like ICML 2023. Our Hawaiian location bridges East and West, offering natural beauty and an inviting aloha spirit

The Ritz-Carlton Residences in Waikiki will be the venue, offering upscale accommodations with ocean views. This high-end setting allows for both productive learning and leisure activities.

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