Keeping Our Educators and Students Cyber Safe
May 27, 2020 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am HST
Join CyberHawaii & the Cyber Readiness Institute and our community partners for an important public zoom webinar on:
E-Learning: Keeping Our Educators and Students Cyber Safe
Wednesday May 27, 2020 at 10am (Hawaii Standard Time)
Maverick Fernandes, Director, Information Security Office, Kamehameha Schools
Vincent Hoang, State of Hawaii Chief Information Security Officer
Jodi Ito, Chief Information Security Officer, University of Hawaii will also be online to answer any questions about higher education!
As schools race online to ensure students continue to learn during and beyond this pandemic, the need to keep cyber secure and safe has increased. Hear from local and national experts what educators and parents can do to open access to education for our students while flattening our cybersecurity risks!
Mahalo to our Community Partners!
Better Business Bureau
Chamber of Commerce Hawaii
Hawaii Association of Independent Schools
Hawaii Charter School Commission
Hawaii Island Chamber of Commerce
Hawaii Small Business Development Center
Hui for Excellence in Education
Maui Economic Development Board
RSVP: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Xr7aFNk0SbGEb_iNytTCGA