Laulima STEM Symposium
August 20, 2022 @ 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm HST
| FreeThe annual Laulima Symposium allows all local scientists, engineers, teachers, and researchers to network and learn about Hawaii’s cool work in STEM! We invite all people in Hawaii or with a connection to Hawaii to attend! We also invite select students, teachers, professors, researchers, doctors, etc. to present at our annual symposium – a class project, a cool research topic, your research project, or a STEM-related cultural project! Embedded in the name, Laulima, is the idea that our scientific community requires collaboration not only between scientists but also with the greater community; the events in the symposium are approachable to those from non-scientific backgrounds who are interested in learning about Hawaii’s STEM ecosystem.
The Laulima Symposium serves as a setting in which students can discuss contemporary science and engineering issues that impact indigenous communities while also sharing their work in science and engineering to inspire others and to open themselves up to new opportunities in STEM. The symposium consists of short research talks and discussions with esteemed scholars, politicians, and community organizers to help solidify the role of an indigenous student in our constantly shifting world. Unlike most conferences, the Laulima Symposium targets broad participation from the community, which helps to create a collaborative and lively environment. As we encounter an increasing number of contemporary science and engineering-related indigenous issues ranging from topics surrounding land use, sovereignty, and education, we hope to create an inclusive environment in which all citizens of Hawaii can become informed and lead new movements.
Please join us on August 20 at 4:30 PM at the KROC center in Kapolei for our first-ever in-person event! At this event, we will have a few guest speakers and activities to get you engaged with STEM around Hawaii. We will also be providing a FREE buffet dinner to attendees. Note that registrations will close when we meet our registration cap. Please sign up to attend virtually (and indicate interest on the form to be on our waitlist) if our slots fill up! Please email honuascholars@gmail.com for any questions or concerns!
In-Person Registration:
High School/College Students! – Register Here!
Everyone Else! – Register Here!
Virtual Registration:
Virtual Attendees! – Register Here!
Sponsors – please reach out to honuascholars@gmail.com for opportunities!