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Event Series Event Series: Machine Learning Study Jam

Learn cutting-edge Machine Learning (ML) technologies during your lunch hour in September by joining our ML Study Jam! This is a FREE, 4-week virtual program that combines self-study, community support, and hosted weekly discussions.

About This Event Series

Each week, you’ll learn new topics, complete assignments at your own pace in Kaggle, get access to an online community for study help and resources, and enjoy a live, virtual discussion session during the Friday lunch hour, featuring speakers and experts from the Machine Learning community.  You’ll also benefit from networking with our local tech community. No prior ML experience required, although some experience with Python will be helpful.

Week 1: Intro to Machine Learning – Learn the core ideas in machine learning, and build your first models.

Week 2: Pandas and Kaggle Competitions – Solve short hands-on challenges to perfect your data manipulation skills.

Week 3: Intermediate Machine Learning – Handle missing values, non-numeric values, data leakage, and more.

Week 4: Intro to Deep Learning – Use TensorFlow and Keras to build and train neural networks for structured data.



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