Modern Astronomy on Maunakea
September 2, 2020 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm HST
Modern Astronomy on Maunakea: A 60-Year Story (1960-2020)
GUEST SPEAKER: Robert McLaren, Interim Director, University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy
VIRTUAL ASTRONOMY TALK: Astronomy on Maunakea originated in community efforts to revive the Hawaii Island economy following the 1960 tsunami that devastated Hilo. It quickly acquired governmental support, especially from Governor John Burns. The University of Hawaii took a leading role, commissioning the UH 2.2-meter Telescope in 1970. During the 1970s the endeavor became international with the arrival of CFHT and UKIRT. Submillimeter radio astronomy arrived in the 1980s (CSO and JCMT). The four 8-10 meter telescopes (Keck I & Keck II, Subaru, Gemini) were all commissioned during the 1990s followed by SMA, completing the current state of development. The talk will offer a personal perspective on this remarkable story and will conclude with some thoughts about the future.
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Talk starts at 5:00 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time
Note: Hawaii does not observe Daylight Saving Time
ZOOM INFO: Join Zoom Meeting at https://bit.ly/Keck-McLaren
Mahalo to our sponsor: Rob and Terry Ryan Foundation
Questions? Contact Shelly Pelfrey, Outreach Coordinator at: outreach@keck.hawaii.edu
Learn more: keckobservatory.org/mclaren-talk
Photo Credit: Sean Goebel Photography